Original Design Manufacturing
Original Design Manufacturing is also referred to as "Private Labelling". This is where a client/buyer select an already-existing product design from a manufacturer's product list, makes a few small changes and sells it under their own brand name. Changes you can include:  limited adjustments to branding, product bundles, packaging, colors and more.
Advantage of ODM
A major advantage of ODM is that it saves you the need to invest a large sums of money and time in product development and research. ODM is the quickest and more economic way to create a customized product for your brand and allows you to quickly adopt under fierce competition.


1. Pre-development meeting
Ideation meeting

Target Market & Segment / Product & Marketing Concept

2. Product Development Meeting

Fix product details / Fix product development direction

3. Contact

Fix terms and conditions for project

4. Product Selection

Sample Product Development

Fragrance Development / Container Design / Packaging Design / Diffusion & Safety Testing

5. Final Design Confirm

Spec Sheet confirmation

6. Production

Raw Material Order Placement / Production Scheduling & Manufacturing

7. Diffusion & Safety Testing
8. Quality Control & Monitoring
9. Delivery